Mighty Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #21
As Red Robin, what was everyone's preference, cowl or no cowl? Personally I was for the cowl
Extraordinary Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #22
The Marcus To redesign of the Red Robin costume is still his best look imo.
Mighty Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #23
Yep. To made it look good. Never got the condom head complaint as other heroes wear a similar head shaped mask like Spidey, Cyclops, Iron Fist, etc
Mighty Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #24
Drako said:
The Marcus To redesign of the Red Robin costume is still his best look imo.
I'm inclined to agree
Primal Slayer
Extraordinary Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #25
How can Matt over in Batman Beyond get this GREAT design but they cant think of a good design for Tim????
scary harpy
Astonishing Member
- Jan 17, 2024
- #26
Primal Slayer said:
How can Matt over in Batman Beyond get this GREAT design but they cant think of a good design for Tim????
This is a good looking costume.
Extraordinary Member
- Jan 18, 2024
- #27
I’ve always thought the cowl was the best idea for Red Robin, with a second place for the “cheeked” mask from the Unternet, and a distant third for any version of the classic domino mask.
The domino mask works for Robin, but keeping it for either Red Robin or Drake just makes him look like a pallets swap of Nightwing - particularly with the wings or lack of any cape or wings.
A dynamically different profile makes it easier to line up all the Robin and identify which is which immediately.
Astonishing Member
- Jan 19, 2024
- #28
I prefer open head gear leaving his hair visible, but I did like the Red Robin look. As we've all said time and time again, Tim just needs a complete overhaul from costume to alter ego by someone who is good at design and can put some thought into his name and style.
Mighty Member
- Jan 26, 2024
- #29
OBrianTallent said:
I prefer open head gear leaving his hair visible, but I did like the Red Robin look. As we've all said time and time again, Tim just needs a complete overhaul from costume to alter ego by someone who is good at design and can put some thought into his name and style.
Absolutely agree. It's time for a shift
Extraordinary Member
- Jan 27, 2024
- #30
Drako said:
The Marcus To redesign of the Red Robin costume is still his best look imo.
My Favourit is still the Unternet Design.
Primal Slayer said:
How can Matt over in Batman Beyond get this GREAT design but they cant think of a good design for Tim????
I mean his Robin and Red Robin Designs are (exception of the "Swan Queen" design) pretty good.
Just the Drake one was absolutely horrible.
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Mighty Member
- Jan 31, 2024
- #31
Something that would fit for Tim now is doing something akin to his status in RR as a majority shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. You could have him be trying to re-start/regain the company on his own terms and dealing corporate sabotage and slimeballs from corrupt business dudes.
Astonishing Member
- Feb 2, 2024
- #32
Something that would fit for Tim now is doing something akin to his status in RR as a majority shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. You could have him be trying to re-start/regain the company on his own terms and dealing corporate sabotage and slimeballs from corrupt business dudes.
So what like repeating Damian's storyline during the time when Bruce was thought dead and WE was in a Crisis? but expanded into a longer more detailed serial format? [like an extended edition]
Something like that would only work as a mini so not exactly a next step or a direction.
Plus i don't think Tim knows anything about corporate management or has any experience with multinational accounting/fraud/corporate espionage or anything about start-ups.
I know one of the kids other than Damian at some point has worked [as in actual working] for WE in older stories but i'm sure that was Dick not Tim.
He would need to go back to school to learn that.
Tim going to business school could be a new direction.
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Staff member
- Feb 2, 2024
- #33
Pretty sure Tim was doing corporate stuff during his Red Robin run.
Mighty Member
- Feb 2, 2024
- #34
Frontier said:
Pretty sure Tim was doing corporate stuff during his Red Robin run.
Exactly. RR he was a majority shareholderfor WE
scary harpy
Astonishing Member
- Feb 2, 2024
- #35
Something that would fit for Tim now is doing something akin to his status in RR as a majority shareholder of Wayne Enterprises. You could have him be trying to re-start/regain the company on his own terms and dealing corporate sabotage and slimeballs from corrupt business dudes.
Frontier said:
Pretty sure Tim was doing corporate stuff during his Red Robin run.
Exactly. RR he was a majority shareholderfor WE is a new direction for Tim...and it fits him.
I have heard worse ideas.
...but...I do not see a comic titled 'The Corporate Adventures of Tim Drake'.
Ultimate Member
- Feb 5, 2024
- #36
Frontier said:
Pretty sure Tim was doing corporate stuff during his Red Robin run.
No he was doing charity stuff. At least we only saw him doing charity stuff nothing corporate or business related.
He was a figure head not the CeO. The only characters we saw doing any corporate stuff or who were said to be doing any management related anything were Lucius in RR and Damian in the other Batman titles.
---- Character doing corporate stuff sounds like it'd sell even less than TDR but the story idea is lifted straight from tumblr so it might be a way to tapp into that crowd.
Mighty Member
- Feb 5, 2024
- #37
dietrich said:
No he was doing charity stuff. At least we only saw him doing charity stuff nothing corporate or business related.
He was a figure head not the CeO. The only characters we saw doing any corporate stuff or who were said to be doing any management related anything were Lucius in RR and Damian in the other Batman titles.---- Character doing corporate stuff sounds like it'd sell even less than TDR but the story idea is lifted straight from tumblr so it might be a way to tapp into that crowd.
Tim Drake Robin tried to tap into the tumblr crowd and it massively if my idea tap into the tumblr crowd then drop it
All-New Member
- Feb 6, 2024
- #38
Best move for Tim realistically I think would be to move out of Gotham again like during Bendis' Young Justice, maybe join a new team and try and find himself as Dick did with the Titans and Jason with the Outlaws. Doesn't even need to be with his old comrades from those teams necessarily. Then maybe we can get him to move out of being Robin or Red Robin and get a cool new moniker.
Staff member
- Feb 6, 2024
- #39
dietrich said:
No he was doing charity stuff. At least we only saw him doing charity stuff nothing corporate or business related.
He was a figure head not the CeO. The only characters we saw doing any corporate stuff or who were said to be doing any management related anything were Lucius in RR and Damian in the other Batman titles.---- Character doing corporate stuff sounds like it'd sell even less than TDR but the story idea is lifted straight from tumblr so it might be a way to tapp into that crowd.
That's kind of the same thing for Bruce.
Extraordinary Member
- Feb 7, 2024
- #40
Very curious how many of you think Tim will get skip in DCU ? Like if anything unless they streamline the timeline like new 52 did Tim unless Bruce got at least Tim was recently the new Robin before Damian
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