Tim Drake Friends - Comic Vine (2025)

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    Tim Drake Friends - Comic Vine (1)

    Character » Tim Drake appears in 3390 issues.

    At the age of nine, Timothy Drake cleverly deduced the identities of Batman and Robin. Four years later, after the death of Jason Todd, Tim convinced Batman that he should be the new Robin. He would later become leader of Young Justice.

    Short summary describing this character.


    • A.L.F.R.E.D. An artificial intellegence based off of Alfred Pennyworth found within the suit of the New 52 version of Terry McGinnis.
    • Aaron Langstrom Son of Kirk and Francine Langstroms. He was born with bat-like appearance.
    • Ace the Bat-Hound Ace was introduced as Batman's pet dog in the Golden Age. He was later revamped as a rescue dog, rehabilitated from his earlier days spent as a guard dog for the Joker.
    • Alan Scott Alan Scott, the bearer of the mystical Starheart, is the original Golden Age Green Lantern and a founding member of the Justice Society of America. An all-time great, Alan continues to fight for truth, justice and freedom well into old age as a member of the Justice Society. He has now been introduced as an iconic gay character in DC's new reboot, Infinite Frontier.
    • Alfred Pennyworth Alfred looks out for Tim like a father would a son. He even comforted Tim when his father was still missing. Upon being adopted by Bruce,their bond has become stronger.
    • Ali Ben Khadir Tim Drake's roommate at Brentwood Academy.
    • Ali Ben Styn Ali Ben Styn is a middle east ruler modled after the real Ben Stein.
    • Allure Member of Relative Heroes.
    • Amethyst "Amy Winston" is the long lost princess of Amethyst on Gemworld. She was also a Lord of Order before the New 52 reboot.
    • Amy Rohrbach Amy is a Bludhaven cop who is trying to stay honest, while still caring for her family. She is Dick Grayson's partner during the time he is a rookie cop.
    • Angel A mutant and original member of the X-Men, Warren received his angelic wings at a young age along with a unique healing factor in his blood. After being twisted into a weapon of Apocalypse, Warren became the cold and distant Archangel. In the years since then, he's gone back and forth between his two identities.
    • Annie Clayface's 'daughter'.
    • Aquagirl (Marquez) When San Diego was rendered underwater and renamed Sub Diego, Lorena Marquez was one of the survivors that developed the capabilities to breathe underwater. After helping Aquaman, she took up the mantle of Aquagirl. Lorena has served as a member of the Teen Titans.
    • Aquaman The son of an Atlantean queen and a lighthouse keeper from the town of Amnesty Bay, Arthur Curry would grow up to become the superhero Aquaman, and later take on his birthright as the King of Atlantis. He is a founding member of the Justice League and is among DC Comics' most recognized heroes.
    • Argent Argent is a descendant of the H'San Natall & she can construct solid silver energy plasma. She is a former member of the Teen Titans.
    • Ariana Dzerchenko Ariana Dzerchenko was a former girlfriend of Tim Drake when he was younger.
    • Arrowette After serving valiantly alongside Young Justice, she once lived the life of a normal girl... who happens to be an Olympic gold medalist. Now she actively works once again as Arrowette part of Team Arrow.
    • Aura Aura is a Chinese-American teenager with powerful magnetic powers, she was part of the Ravers (an inter-galactic team of super-heroes/partying goers). Her teammates were Sparx, Hero Cruz, Half-Life, and Superboy.
    • Barbara Gordon Barbara Gordon was the first modern age Batgirl until she was brutally shot by the Joker, rendering her paralyzed from the waist down. Barbara reinvented herself as Oracle, providing intelligence to the DCU heroes and leading the Birds of Prey. She has recently become Batgirl once again to protect Gotham City.
    • Barry Allen Having discovered his mother murdered and his father blamed for the act, forensic scientist Barry Allen sought to clear his father's name and find the real killer. After being doused in chemicals and struck by lightning, Barry was granted the gift of super-speed. Now he protects his hometown of Central City as The Flash, the fastest man alive and founding member of the Justice League.
    • Bart Allen Bart has been a friend of Tim for years.
    • Batman Bruce Wayne is Tim's adopted father and partner in the war against crime.
    • Batman 1000000 Being the heir to the Bat-Legacy in the 853rd century, Batman 1,000,000 resumes the mission that Bruce Wayne started. With both advanced technology and high intellect, he continues to enforce justice in a new high-tech and evil-ridden future.
    • Batwing Lucas "Luke" Fox was born into a family, of wealth and prestige. He is the son of Wayne Enterprise's president and CEO, Lucius Fox. The accomplished mixed martial artist and MIT graduate takes over the identity of Batwing after David Zavimbe resigns.
    • Batwoman After resigning from the Army under DADT for being a lesbian, Kate Kane lived a directionless party-girl heiress lifestyle until, on a dark night, a chance encounter with Batman inspired her to find a new calling in life, later adopting the mantle of Batwoman.
    • Beast A founding member of the X-Men, Dr. Hank McCoy is a mutant possessing animal-like strength and agility. Despite being covered in blue fur and resembling a ferocious beast, Hank possesses an astounding intellect and a superb wit. He is currently a key member of X-Force.
    • Beast Boy The classically green-skinned member of the Doom Patrol and later the Teen Titans, Beast Boy has the power to transform into any creature of any size.
    • Beast Girl New member of the Doom Patrol.
    • Beautiful Dreamer A New God and member of the Forever People.
    • Bernard Dowd Tim Drakes friend for a short period of time, as well as having many conspiracy theories involving Batman, Robin and the Government.
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      Tim Drake Friends - Comic Vine (2025)
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      Author: Tyson Zemlak

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      Views: 6431

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      Author information

      Name: Tyson Zemlak

      Birthday: 1992-03-17

      Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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      Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

      Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

      Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.