Executing Models - RT-LAB Documentation (2024)

  • 1 Executing models
    • 1.1 Target Platform
  • 2 Simulation Mode
    • 2.1 Standard Mode
    • 2.2 eXtreme High Performance (XHP) mode
    • 2.3 Communication type
    • 2.4 UDP/IP
    • 2.5 Dolphin
  • 3 Executing steps
    • 3.1 Compilation
      • 3.1.1 Execution
      • 3.1.2 Additional files
    • 3.2 User script files
    • 3.3 Using Local User Scripts
    • 3.4 Using Global User Scripts
  • 4 Debugging: Installing Debugger on a Target
    • 4.1 OPAL-RTLinux
  • 5 Setting RT-LAB configuration
  • 6 Debugging the Model: Debugging Locally on Target OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based)
    • 6.1 Windows
    • 6.2 Debugging Remotely from the Command Station (Windows)
    • 6.3 OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based) targets
    • 6.4 Windows Targets

This chapter describes the simulation types available with RT-LAB, explains how to build and execute a model.

Target Platform

RT-LAB supports three different target platforms:

Windows versions

For pure simulation or pseudo-real-time execution.


For pure simulation or real-time execution for targets with an Intel x86 processor.

Standard Mode


Free-run, as-fast-as-possible simulation on target. In this mode, no synchronization is done. Target nodes in a distributed simulation are synchronized with the communication link. The data exchanged depends on the model’s data flow.

Simulation in low priority (Windows target only)

Same as a simulation but the computation subsystem runs in lower priority. It is useful when the simulation runs on the command station; it will let CPU resources be used by other applications.

Software synchronized

The model runs in real-time. In this mode, the model is synchronized on the internal RTOS timer. Only one computation node is synchronized when executing a distributed simulation. Other subsystems are synchronized with the communication link. The data exchanged depends on the model’s data flow.

Hardware synchronized

The model runs in real-time. In this mode, the model is synchronized on an external hardware timer. A specific block is required to be inserted in the model to specify and configure where the external clock is located. Only one computation node is synchronized when executing a distributed simulation. Other subsystems are synchronized with the communication link. The data exchanged depends on the model’s data flow.

eXtreme High Performance (XHP) mode

The XHP mode is a mean for the real-time operating system to disable interrupts. This is done on a per-subsystem (thus per-core) basis. Not allowing interrupts prevents process switching which removes latencies time for additional computation in the same time slice.

The XHP mode is aimed at real-time applications of a given base sample time that cause overruns (overflow their allowed time-step for computation) while running in RT-LAB in the standard mode.

In XHP mode, the model waits in an empty loop for its next scheduled computation step. The next model step is then computed.

In this mode, we use the CPU counter as our time reference. Because this counter operates at the CPU's frequency, it offers a very high resolution, even for step-sizes in the microsecond range. Because the counter resides on the CPU and reading its value is done within one CPU cycle, this operation introduces almost no latency.

Communication type

Two computation subsystems on the same physical node (regardless of the number of logical nodes) will exchange real-time signals using shared memory.

If computation subsystems (SM or SS) are on different physical nodes, you must select which real-time network type to use, either UDP/IP (slow, any targets) or Dolphin (fast, Red Hat Linux targets only).

The real-time link is configured using Model Editor in the Execution Page.


This link requires an ethernet board on targets. It is a slow link and it should not be used for hard real-time simulation.


This link requires one Dolphin PXH810/830, IXH610 or DX510 PCI Express host adapter to be installed on each target. Dolphin DXH510 adapter offers bi-directional link of up to 20Gbits/s, Dolphin IXH610 adapter can support a communication speed up to 40Gbits/s (if installed on an x8 Gen 2 PCI Express
slot) and Dolphin PXH832 adapters up to 128 GBits/s (if installed in x16 Gen3 PCIe slot). These adapters should be used when high data throughput with very low latency is needed. For now, support for this communication type is only available on OPAL-RTLinux.


  • Select your target platform.

  • Start the compilation. This an automated process; no user interaction is needed.

Here is the list of the steps when compiling a model:

1. Separation

It is where the original model is separated into as many separate models as there are top-level subsystems.

2. Code generation

For each computation subsystem (SM and SS), Simulink Coder (Real-Time Workshop) is called to generate the C code for RT-LAB using a set of templates specific to the target OS.

3. Transfer to RTOS

The newly generated C files are transferred to one of the computation nodes (called the development or compilation node) via Ethernet.

4. Compilation

For each computation subsystem (SM and SS), the compiler will compile and link the C code into an executable file for RT-LAB.

5. Retrieval of Executables

Retrieve the executable(s) via Ethernet. This allows RT-LAB to load a subsystem on a different node than the compilation node.


Assign the subsystems to physical nodes. You can assign more than one subsystem to one physical node, up to n-1 subsystems if the physical node has n cores.

  • Select Handle console automatically from Simulation Tools Page from Model Editor if you want to use the user interface based on the original model’s SC subsystem.

  • Select a simulation mode.

  • Configure the communication type (optional).

  • Load the subsystem on the computation node(s). The executables (one per computation subsystem) are transferred to their assigned nodes. The subsystems are then loaded and ready to run. Note that only one model per target is allowed by default to ensure real-time integrity (Linux targets only). This option could be disabled by creating a file /usr/opalrt/multimodels on the target where you want to enable multiple running models at the same time.

  • Execute the model. The simulation is started. The RT-LAB generated console starts displaying the data retrieved. Note that it is NOT the original model, just the SC part of it. You could also create your own UI using our API instead.

  • At this point, you could modify parameters, log data to files...

  • Reset the model when your simulation is completed. The model could also reset itself by inserting a stop block inside it. RT-LAB automatically transfer all generated file to the command station to be reviewed later.

Additional files

Some simulation requires additional files in order to compile and execute the model. Refer to Files Page to see how to set up new files. Usually, header files and source files to be compiled are transferred during the compilation. Data files to be used at run-time are usually transferred while loading the model.

User script files

Since many different configurations may be required in order to run a simulation, RT-LAB supports script calls during the compilation and execution of a model. Scripts, created using Python, can be global to a node or local to a subsystem, called on a command station or target, and are available during the compilation step and the load/reset step. In addition, script outputs can be viewed to the RT-LAB display panel.

The following table lists available scripts:






called on by command station during the compilation before separating the model.


called on by command station during the compilation after the model's code generation.


called on by target during the compilation before compiling the model.


called on by command station at the end of the compilation.


called on by command station during the execution before loading the model.


called on by target during the execution before executing the model.


called on by target during the execution after resetting the model.


called on by command station during the execution after resetting the model.

Used for analysis after the model's execution.

Using Local User Scripts

In order to execute a local user script (only for this model), just create the corresponding file to the step you want to customize in the model’s directory on the command station. The file will be automatically transferred on target if required and executed. Many user scripts for different steps could be created. In order to disable a script, rename the file to a different name.

Using Global User Scripts

In order to share a script among models on the command station or target(s), the same python scripts are located under RTLAB_ROOT\common\python\rtlab\global. Modify these files in order to create a global execution of your script. Remember that these scripts will be applied to every model, they have to be modified with caution.


The DDD debugger has been installed with the operating system. No other installation is necessary.


The Microsoft Visual Studio 6 debugger will be used to debug the model. Since MS Visual studio is required in order to compile a model on Windows target, no more steps are required to install the debugger.

  • Select the model you want to debug in your project.

  • In Diagnostic Page from Model Editor, check Use extended timeout and Compile Model in debug mode.

  • Uncheck the Enable Watchdog checkbox.

Executing Models - RT-LAB Documentation (1)

  • Build the model.

  • Configure where to display the debugger, in Environment Variables Page from Model Editor defines (Add) the following variables:

    • Red Hat target:

    • DISPLAY=:0.0

Executing Models - RT-LAB Documentation (2)

  • In Assignation Page from Model Editor check the subsystem(s) you want to debug. (check the Advanced field to add the Debug column)

To debug a model:

  • Start the graphical interface on the target (if it is not already done) and log as root.

  • Load the model.

  • Open the source file you want to debug and insert your breakpoint if any. for instance (DDD), if you want to debug the mdlStart (Simulink) of Rtdemo1 model, go to menu File->Open source... then select rtdemo1_1_sm_computation.c and click on Open button. The source file will open. Look for the MdlStart function, put the cursor on the first line and add a breakpoint (click on the Break button on the toolbar). A breakpoint should have been inserted. When the model will be executed, the execution will stop at this breakpoint.

  • Debugger should open on the target screen terminal. (DDD) Go to menu Program > Run again.


  • Load the model

  • Model arguments are copied to the clipboard. These arguments are used later in order to start the debugger. Press OK.

  • MS Visual Studio open and ask to create a project. Click Yes.

  • At the next screen, click OK.

At the next screen, click Save.

Go to Project > settings

Open source file you want to debug and insert breakpoints. Press F5 to start the debugger.

Debugging Remotely from the Command Station (Windows)

OPAL-RTLinux (x86-based) targets

  • To debug remotely, an application called X server is required to display the debugger. This document explains how to use cygwin (one of the most popular) as an X server.

  • Download and install Cygwin at http://www.cygwin.com (make sure that the Xfree86 package is selected)

  • Start Cygwin

  • Start the X server: XWin -screen 0 1024 768 -emulate3buttons &


  • Start the window manager: wmaker &

  • Enable remote access: xhost +

  • On paragraph Setting RT-LAB configuration on page 474, replace DISPLAY value by DISPLAY=<IP_ADRESS_OF_WINDOWS>:0.0 (for instance DISPLAY=

  • Load model. DDD should open in the X server.

Windows Targets

This option is not supported by this target.

Executing Models - RT-LAB Documentation (2024)


How much is Opal-RT? ›

Opal-RT Technologies, Inc. has announced the availability of the OP4500, the first real-time power grid digital simulator available for $20,000. OPAL-RT officially launched an affordable priced real-time simulator for mechatronics, power electronic and power system.

What is the abbreviation for RT lab? ›

Remote Trigger (RT) Lab is a part of the Virtual Labs, An Initiative of Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) under the National Mission on Education through ICT.

What is an RT lab? ›

The RT-LAB simulation software platform is used to perform simulations of models in real time. RT-LAB's features allow you to better control, visualize, access and customize your simulation projects.

What is Opal-RT used for? ›

OPAL-RT is the world leader in the development of PC/FPGA-based real-time simulators, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing equipment and Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) systems to design, test and optimize control and protection systems used in power grids, power electronics, motor drives, automotive, trains, aircraft ...

Why is opal so expensive? ›

Opal is a precious gemstone, like rubies, emeralds or diamonds. Opal is rare, and it is expensive to prospect and mine for. Dozens of miners can work for months, using expensive machinery and spending tens of thousands of dollars on fuel, and between them find only a single fine opal, or perhaps a few.

Is opal worth buying? ›

Opal can be worth a little, or a lot. It all depends on the type, size, colour and rarity of the stone, among other factors we've covered earlier. Generally speaking, Australian opals tend to be more expensive than other types of opal due to their superior quality and high demand, as well as being ethically sourced.

What does RT slang mean? ›

abbreviationin writing. ​retweet (used when you want to show that a message that you put on the Twitter social media service was originally written by another person)

What does RT mean in hospital? ›

Respiratory therapists (RTs) are health professionals who evaluate, treat, and care for people who have breathing problems. Respiratory therapists use oxygen, medicines, and mechanical measures such as chest percussion to help people breathe more effectively.

What is RT full form? ›

RT is short for retweet, which is the act of sharing another user's post on the social media platform Twitter. How is RT pronounced?

Where is Opal RT headquarters? ›

OPAL-RT's international headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The company has three regional subsidiaries: OPAL-RT Europe, OPAL-RT India and OPAL-RT USA.

What is opal mainly used for? ›

Various forms of common opal are widely mined for use as abrasives, insulation media, fillers, and ceramic ingredients. Fire opals usually are facet cut, but most other precious opals are finished en cabochon because their optical properties are best displayed on smoothly rounded surfaces.

What is opal software used for? ›

OPAL is a high-level interface for low-level physics engines used in games, robotics simulations, and other 3D applications. Features a simple C++ API, intuitive objects (e.g. Solids, Joints, Motors, Sensors), and XML-based file storage for complex objects.

What are current opal prices? ›

Current opal prices depend on the type of opal stone. The most valuable Opal, Black Opal, ranges from $50 per carat to $10,000 per carat. Alternatively, White Opal is relatively common and ranges from $10 per carat to $150. Other opal types, such as fire, red, and blue, fall in the $10 to $500 per carat range.

How much is opalite worth? ›

Synthetic Opals

Synthetic opalite gems are generally $1 to $3 each.

What is the rarest opal color? ›

The Rarest Opal: The Black Opal

The Black Opal emerges as the rarest and most coveted among all opal types. Its rarity is attributed to its unique color background and the specific conditions required for its formation.

Is opal more expensive than diamond? ›

Getting your hands on opal is easy, but finding gem-quality opal is another story. Diamonds, on the other hand, fetch a high price even for the most low-quality diamonds. Why is value important? Because the value of most diamonds will be higher than opals, while high-quality opals are rarer than diamonds.

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